This is simply a list of medication names, and silly comments like antiemetic, stops vomiting. Spend less for more elsewhere
This is simply a list of medication names, and silly comments like antiemetic, stops vomiting. Spend less for more elsewhere
I like this app, because its handy, but is seems like it has potential to be much better. For instance under the drug class section, purhaps some sample drugs in that class... It really does have potential though, I like it
I am a paramedic intern and need to know my local as well as my national drugs. This app really helps me reference these national drugs. I was hoping, however that the nremt-p skills lists were on here as well. This would make for an awsome study guide for upcoming paramedics. And would most likley make this app sell like hotcakes!! Again. Taking all the help I can get D. J. Paramedic intern.
Wish I thought of it.
Nice concise reference. Something I will use for teaching NREMT courses and encourage my students to use. However, it NEEDS EXAMPLES or prototype drugs under the Drug Class Profiles. It is great to see what ACE inhibitors are, but an example of a drug or drug name would be great.
I am a paramedic student and this is a fantastic app for student to learn their drugs for their mega codes. Well worth it
You few charactors that got it...good for you. As of now, it doesnt down load. Itd be nice to get what I paid for. jc
Great App! But would just like to see the the ability to edit the dosing material for the drugs since we all learn the doses of some drugs a little different. And the common meds be combined with the med classes by class. But I love how the pharmacodynamics is very indepth, Great Job!
This is a great, simple app and Im glad I found it. Im a pmed student and have worked as an intermediate for 12 years so I plan on using it alot. I would like to see drug prototype drugs with each class but it is still very helpful.
At last a quick way that is inexspensive to look up drugs that patients are taking! I love the drugs used by Medics also for quick reference.
The app is good but please update the rest of the drug list having a list of common (non nremt) drugs is great and all but pointless is you dont know what the drug does Id really like to be able to look up my patients drugs to find out what they are used for how often do your patients have 15 bottles of pills and not know what any of them are for Epocrates is good for looking them up but they dont list indications and if you have no Internet connection your outta luck make that happen and this will be the best drug app in the iTunes store!!
Very good app except the home medications doesnt work, please fix, when fixed I would give 5 stars
Home meds doesnt load and I wish there was a custom option where I can put in my own dosage.
Great app but it would be even better if it included how the drug is packaged (ie. Morphine- 10 mg/ 1cc)
this app is great it helps my a lot in my learning process. thanks and keep the good work
Dont listen to those complaining about this app not doing what it is supposed to. This app is perfect for NREMT drugs that you need to know. This is a great app for any medic student. Not only does it provide the doses and such but goes in detail about how the drug works and why it is used for what it does. Very good $3 spent.
Great app , but no extras ... Flash cards would help, or some memorization addition
The Home Meds section doesnt work...grrr! I read about that in the reviews but thought Id be fixed by now. Otherwise, itd be a 5 star! Great to have all the drugs on my phone to study whenever Im stuck somewhere with downtime.
Missing meds we give in el dorado - zofran. Missing common home meds example - lantus. Description of meds too brief. Example - ace inhibitor - says its for CHF and HTN. Patients are also given this med for kidney protection.
Hey Ryan from 28. Its under Ondansetron. The pedi dose for Narcan says .01mg/kg. Isnt it .1mg/kg?